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I'm an employee at CPMC and have been on strike for over a month. And honestly sick and tired of the excuses. It really evident that Sutter does not really care about patients puting them at risk with the bad sanitary conditions at the hospital. And appalled hearing the commercials that they really care. If they really care, they would sign the contract and let the regular workers do the job that they hire twice as much workers to do.
That really shows you how feeble minded people and corporate greed can do to you. Jack Bailey do everyone a favor and please sign the contract.

Union Sister

I just read about this blog on alternet.org and wanted to give you all some encouragement! I was in Communications Workers of America union for 30 years and "hit the bricks" many times. Stay strong,stay calm,and do not let management or scabs provoke you. Always have your cell phone and a disposable camera with you.
Anyone of you could be approached by the media-keep it calm and concise.They can bring the public to your side and increase the pressure on management.

On the practical side: you may be able to sign up for unemployment and/or food stamps. Look into it. Call your mortgage holders, car financers,utility companies and credit card companies to let them know you're on strike.Many places have "skip payment" options or will allow you to just pay the interest.

Stay strong and know that many of your brothers and sisters from many different types of unions across the country wish you success in your struggle.

In Solidarity,
A Union Sister from Ohio

emily stone

dear union sister
thanks for the support and the practical advice

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