hi folks
well we got an offer from management.... but it was a pretty darn insulting one. i hear that we will be making a counter offer today and that if a response is not heard quickly that there will be consequences. there are various things that i have heard the consequences will be but the one i hear most often is that we will put in our 10 day strike notice at st lukes hospital... you know, the hospital where they recently fired their current ceo and installed dr brotman. guess he is getting rewarded for shafting his "VALUED EMPLOYEES"!!!!!
ok, so the next thing that i heard was that a worker at another hospital had come all the way down from shasta county with her daughter to walk our picket lines. that was sure nice of her and we all appreciated her support. that kind of support has been coming from various parts of california on an on going basis. so if i dont get a chance to tell you on the line i would like to tell you now " THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT"!!!
ok the next thing i encountered was a transport driver who didnt want to wait the customary 30 seconds to get out of the driveway and actually touched knees of the picketer(sp?) with his bumper, threatening to run her over in front of her little girl. that was nice... dont you think! Uh NO, that wasnt nice!!! what was nice is the the policemen from car 1148 (wasnt able to get their names or their badge #'s), came to our rescue and told the transport guy to knock it off!!! thanks guys. then a security gaurd who was in charge, and whom i had seen before told his men that we "got 30 seconds per car" ... well believe it or not. the security gaurds held cars back (with the palm) until our 30 seconds was up... and that includes the big "XTRA" truck that routinely attempts to run us over on the evening shift on the line.
well, then i started talking to a cna that works with my blogmate tom. she started telling me about the working conditions there and just when i thought i couldnt hear anymore about the impossible working conditions ...I DID! she told me about the day where she had 16-18 patients to take care of and 4 if them were on q 15 minute vitals (yes boys and girls that means 4 vital signs every 15 minutes). excuse me but exactly when was she supposed to work with the rest of her patients??? i would like to see brotman do that kind of work. if he did we might have a contract now rather than being on the picket line and hearing how bad things can get in this hospital ... you know the hospital with their hundreds of VALUED EMPLOYEES. you, know the hospital that is doing "business as usual". yea, right sutter... thats why we have nurse after nurse telling us how unsafe things are for their patients, why we had a woman named "venus" write a letter about the bad care in labor and delivery (all due to the strike, i might add). i could go on, but it is making me sick
in summary..... the security gaurds and police were supportive, the people on the line were great and the 49er's won a football game...all in one 24 hour period. could there be some sort of harmonic convergence going on??? will it help with getting a fair contract? who knows??? but it would help if sutter proposed a decent settlement and if they told the truth to their "VALUED EMPLOYEES". WHERE I COME FROM YOU DONT LIE AND CHEAT AND SCREW THE PEOPLE WHO ARE OF VALUE TO YOU.... but obviously sutter feels differently
emily stone