well, just spent another wednesday on the picket line. it was quite different this time as last wednesday i came late and went to the rally and this wednesday i came in at 5 in the morning. when the scab vans came in the gaurds pulled out the barriers and left nowhere for us to picket (this is our right, i might add) except the street and edge of street. then they pushed us when we got too close to them and told us "dont push me". things are getting more heated since sunday,when (i heard) they cornered a few of our picketers after they left the area where the scab bus comes in. they apparently surrounded the picketers and pushed and "talked shit" to them. things on the line really havent been the same since. lots of pushing and shoving and name calling and all that unneeded stuff. pretty annoying, not to mention, unprofessional! guess sutter feels comfortable with these goons they have hired. well, i dont!!! and i dont like being pushed around ..i dont deserve it and neither does anyone else.
there has also been a lot of picketing at the homes and business' of the board members...but only when they wont talk to us. those that have talked to us and heard our side of the issues have been fairly impressed and have changed their positions in many cases. that is heartening. after all, we are only asking that they sign the MEDIATORS PROPOSAL, which is a compromise.
i say "DEAR VALUED EMPLOYER" sign the damn contract and let us get back to work and things get back to normal. that is really not too much to ask!
-- emily stone
Keep up the good work! The folks at Watsonville Comm. Hosp. will soon join you to raise some hell! You are all in our thoughts constantly.
Posted by: Butch Cole | October 20, 2005 at 07:32 PM
thank you watsonville community hospital!!!
see ya soon
Posted by: emily stone | October 23, 2005 at 08:23 AM