It was good to see Governator Arnold go down in flames on election day. While he is still the Gov, his ballot measures tanked. Perhaps the words "I'll Be Back" were premature.
I felt that the union used its membership well.
Many of us did precinct walking on election day. We partnered up with coworkers and put slate cards (in the form of door hangers) at the doors of certain registered voters.
One of Arnold's attempted (disem)power plays was the attempt to reduce union's political power. While coporations would still have been able to do right wing politics without asking each share holder on a yearly basis, the unions would have been forced into the redundant position authorizing our elected leadership to support progressive causes. If Arnold wants a voice in SEIU he can pick up a mop or bed pan and apply for a union job.
On the positive side--we won!!!
I feel the precinct walking made a difference. Advertising can only do so much. We need to interact with the community on a more regular basis.
On the picket line, we discussed how having an electoral victory at the beginning of bargaining would help us.
The membership really seems to have both a macro and micro grasp on our struggle. People get that we need to challenge Sutter in the larger politcal arena while staying strong on our individual picket lines.
People are taking the second day of bargaing as a positive sign. We know our team would not sit still for an unbelievably bad offer. I am waiting to hear the details. I just hope Sutter doesn't throw in a last minute monkey wrench.
We got another Dear Valued...letter. This time it is Dear Valued Colleague instead of Employee. Is that a promotion? They printed another copy of the open letter (Chronicle Ad) to send to workers.
They just don't get that they don't know how to talk to people. I won't rehash the original ad, but all of these letters are so patronizing.
They assume we don't have our own opinion about our own interests. They think we are dupes of the union. They are unclear on the concept that we are the union.
Speaking of unclear on the concept. One of the delivery drivers (who honors our picket line) said he saw two of the scabs smoking pot (again) on the sidewalk yesterday (Wednesday) during their break. Perhaps someone should explain that the phrase "Medical Marijuana" applies to patients NOT workers.
Hey, Sutter. What have you been smoking? Get rid of the scabs and give us a contract.
C'Mon Sutter Just Say Yes!!!